The Intersection of Business and Technology
At the intersection of business and technology, people often get very excited or tense, optimistic or worried, challenged (in a good way) or frustrated. Frans Johansson in The Medici Effect talks about intersection innovation - a place where two fields collide and divert along a new innovative path. The collision between business and technology has been a slow moving one over a very long period of time, but companies, are starting to realize, what many or most entrepreneurs already know - the endless number of new paths that can be taken when you start looking at these two areas together instead of separately. We are now at a point where one field can rarely exist for any length of time without the other.
John Hagel has now joined Deloitte & Touche USA LLP and will be heading up a new research center to focus on the business issues created at this intersection.
He poses a number of intriguing questions around this topic of business/technology interesection here with some thought provoking commentary that is worth a look by any reader interested in the topic of this blog.
- What if there is no equilibrium?
- Can the firm survive as the action flows to the edges?
- Are all ecosystems created equal?
- If the world is so flat, why are spikes becoming more prominent?
- Is adaptation all there is?
- Can we escape the Red Queen effect?
- As “L curves” replace “Bell curves”, what are the most promising routes to the head?
- We have a growing realization that stocks of knowledge are diminishing in value relative to flows of knowledge, but what is required for effective participation in the highest value flows of knowledge?
- What are the opportunities for the bottom of the pyramid to attack the top?
- How do we measure success when so many of the rules are changing?
- When is self-organizing not enough?
- How are pull platforms likely to evolve?
- What is the next generation of IT architecture?